

Technical File



1.   Ma, X.-Y.;  Chen, Y.;  Wang, H.;  Li, Q.-X.;  Lin, W.-F.; Cai, W.-B., Electrocatalytic oxidation of ethanol and ethylene glycol on cubic, octahedral and rhombic dodecahedral palladium nanocrystals. Chemical Communications 2018, 54 (20), 2562-2565.

2.   Zhu, W.;  Kattel, S.;  Jiao, F.; Chen, J. G., Shape-Controlled CO2 Electrochemical Reduction on Nanosized Pd Hydride Cubes and Octahedra. Advanced Energy Materials 2019, 9 (9), 1802840.

3.   Zhao, H.;  Zhang, D.;  Li, H.;  Qi, W.;  Wu, X.;  Han, Y.;  Cai, W.;  Wang, Z.;  Lai, J.; Wang, L., Exposure of Definite Palladium Facets Boosts Electrocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation at Low Overpotential. Advanced Energy Materials 2020, 10 (37), 2002131.

4.   Zhuang, S.;  Chen, D.;  You, Q.;  Fan, W.;  Yang, J.; Wu, Z., Thiolated, Reduced Palladium Nanoclusters with Resolved Structures for the Electrocatalytic Reduction of Oxygen. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2022, 61 (46), e202208751.

5.   Lu, S.;  Weng, B.;  Chen, A.;  Li, X.;  Huang, H.;  Sun, X.;  Feng, W.;  Lei, Y.;  Qian, Q.; Yang, M.-Q., Facet Engineering of Pd Nanocrystals for Enhancing Photocatalytic Hydrogenation: Modulation of the Schottky Barrier Height and Enrichment of Surface Reactants. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13 (11), 13044-13054.

6.   Yang, C.-W.;  Chanda, K.;  Lin, P.-H.;  Wang, Y.-N.;  Liao, C.-W.; Huang, M. H., Fabrication of Au–Pd Core–Shell Heterostructures with Systematic Shape Evolution Using Octahedral Nanocrystal Cores and Their Catalytic Activity. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011, 133 (49), 19993-20000.

7.   Long, R.;  Mao, K.;  Ye, X.;  Yan, W.;  Huang, Y.;  Wang, J.;  Fu, Y.;  Wang, X.;  Wu, X.;  Xie, Y.; Xiong, Y., Surface Facet of Palladium Nanocrystals: A Key Parameter to the Activation of Molecular Oxygen for Organic Catalysis and Cancer Treatment. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135 (8), 3200-3207.

8.   Xiao, J.-D.;  Han, L.;  Luo, J.;  Yu, S.-H.; Jiang, H.-L., Integration of Plasmonic Effects and Schottky Junctions into Metal–Organic Framework Composites: Steering Charge Flow for Enhanced Visible-Light Photocatalysis. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2018, 57 (4), 1103-1107.

9.   Levchuk, I.;  Kralova, M.;  Rueda-Márquez, J. J.;  Moreno-Andrés, J.;  Gutiérrez-Alfaro, S.;  Dzik, P.;  Parola, S.;  Sillanpää, M.;  Vahala, R.; Manzano, M. A., Antimicrobial activity of printed composite TiO2/SiO2 and TiO2/SiO2/Au thin films under UVA-LED and natural solar radiation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2018, 239, 609-618.

10.  Cui, Q.;  Xia, B.;  Mitzscherling, S.;  Masic, A.;  Li, L.;  Bargheer, M.; Möhwald, H., Preparation of gold nanostars and their study in selective catalytic reactions. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2015, 465, 20-25.




1.   Fang, G.;  Li, W.;  Shen, X.;  Perez-Aguilar, J. M.;  Chong, Y.;  Gao, X.;  Chai, Z.;  Chen, C.;  Ge, C.; Zhou, R., Differential Pd-nanocrystal facets demonstrate distinct antibacterial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Nature Communications 2018, 9 (1), 129.

2.   Nelidova, D.;  Morikawa, R. K.;  Cowan, C. S.;  Raics, Z.;  Goldblum, D.;  Scholl, H. P. N.;  Szikra, T.;  Szabo, A.;  Hillier, D.; Roska, B., Restoring light sensitivity using tunable near-infrared sensors. Science 2020, 368 (6495), 1108-1113.

3.   Zhao, P.;  Jin, Z.;  Chen, Q.;  Yang, T.;  Chen, D.;  Meng, J.;  Lu, X.;  Gu, Z.; He, Q., Local generation of hydrogen for enhanced photothermal therapy. Nature Communications 2018, 9 (1), 4241.

4.   Yan, P.;  Wang, R.;  Zhao, N.;  Zhao, H.;  Chen, D.-F.; Xu, F.-J., Polycation-functionalized gold nanoparticles with different morphologies for superior gene transfection. Nanoscale 2015, 7 (12), 5281-5291.

5.   Chai, X.;  Zhou, X.;  Zhu, A.;  Zhang, L.;  Qin, Y.;  Shi, G.; Tian, Y., A Two-Channel Ratiometric Electrochemical Biosensor for In Vivo Monitoring of Copper Ions in a Rat Brain Using Gold Truncated Octahedral Microcages. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2013, 52 (31), 8129-8133.

6.   Lv, W.;  Xia, H.;  Zhang, K. Y.;  Chen, Z.;  Liu, S.;  Huang, W.; Zhao, Q., Photothermal-triggered release of singlet oxygen from an endoperoxide-containing polymeric carrier for killing cancer cells. Materials Horizons 2017, 4 (6), 1185-1189.

7.   Zhang, X.;  Xi, Z.;  Machuki, J. O. a.;  Luo, J.;  Yang, D.;  Li, J.;  Cai, W.;  Yang, Y.;  Zhang, L.;  Tian, J.;  Guo, K.;  Yu, Y.; Gao, F., Gold Cube-in-Cube Based Oxygen Nanogenerator: A Theranostic Nanoplatform for Modulating Tumor Microenvironment for Precise Chemo-Phototherapy and Multimodal Imaging. ACS Nano 2019, 13 (5), 5306-5325.

8.   Zhang, X.;  Zhang, C.;  Li, N.;  Pan, W.;  Fu, M.;  Ong’achwa Machuki, J.;  Ge, K.;  Liu, Z.; Gao, F., Gold-Bipyramid-Based Nanothernostics: FRET-Mediated Protein-Specific Sialylation Visualization and Oxygen-Augmenting Phototherapy against Hypoxic Tumor. Analytical Chemistry 2021, 93 (35), 12103-12115.

9.   Wu, X.;  Ming, T.;  Wang, X.;  Wang, P.;  Wang, J.; Chen, J., High-Photoluminescence-Yield Gold Nanocubes: For Cell Imaging and Photothermal Therapy. ACS Nano 2010, 4 (1), 113-120.

10.  Lee, J.-H.;  Cheglakov, Z.;  Yi, J.;  Cronin, T. M.;  Gibson, K. J.;  Tian, B.; Weizmann, Y., Plasmonic Photothermal Gold Bipyramid Nanoreactors for Ultrafast Real-Time Bioassays. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2017, 139 (24), 8054-8057.

11.  Lee, S.;  Mayer, K. M.; Hafner, J. H., Improved Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Immunoassay with Gold Bipyramid Substrates. Analytical Chemistry 2009, 81 (11), 4450-4455.

12.  Jaconi, M. E., Gold nanowires to mend a heart. Nature Nanotechnology 2011, 6 (11), 692-693.

13.  Van de Broek, B.;  Devoogdt, N.;  D’Hollander, A.;  Gijs, H.-L.;  Jans, K.;  Lagae, L.;  Muyldermans, S.;  Maes, G.; Borghs, G., Specific Cell Targeting with Nanobody Conjugated Branched Gold Nanoparticles for Photothermal Therapy. ACS Nano 2011, 5 (6), 4319-4328.

14.  Hasanzadeh Kafshgari, M.;  Agiotis, L.;  Largillière, I.;  Patskovsky, S.; Meunier, M., Antibody-Functionalized Gold Nanostar-Mediated On-Resonance Picosecond Laser Optoporation for Targeted Delivery of RNA Therapeutics. Small 2021, 17 (19), 2007577.

15.  Li, H.;  Zhao, Y.;  Chen, Z.; Xu, D., Silver enhanced ratiometric nanosensor based on two adjustable Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer modes for quantitative protein sensing. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2017, 87, 428-432.

16.  Bharti, S.;  Mukherji, S.; Mukherji, S., Enhanced antibacterial activity of decahedral silver nanoparticles. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 2021, 23 (2), 36.




1.   Lee, Y. H.;  Yan, Y.;  Polavarapu, L.; Xu, Q.-H., Nonlinear optical switching behavior of Au nanocubes and nano-octahedra investigated by femtosecond Z-scan measurements. Applied Physics Letters 2009, 95 (2), 023105.

2.   Zhao, W.;  Wang, R.-Y.;  Wei, H.;  Li, J.;  Ji, Y.;  Jiang, X.;  Wu, X.; Zhang, X., Recognition of chiral zwitterionic interactions at nanoscale interfaces by chiroplasmonic nanosensors. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2017, 19 (32), 21401-21406.

3.   Huang, H.;  Wang, J.-H.;  Jin, W.;  Li, P.;  Chen, M.;  Xie, H.-H.;  Yu, X.-F.;  Wang, H.;  Dai, Z.;  Xiao, X.; Chu, P. K., Competitive Reaction Pathway for Site-Selective Conjugation of Raman Dyes to Hotspots on Gold Nanorods for Greatly Enhanced SERS Performance. Small 2014, 10 (19), 4012-4019.

4.   Luan, J.;  Seth, A.;  Gupta, R.;  Wang, Z.;  Rathi, P.;  Cao, S.;  Gholami Derami, H.;  Tang, R.;  Xu, B.;  Achilefu, S.;  Morrissey, J. J.; Singamaneni, S., Ultrabright fluorescent nanoscale labels for the femtomolar detection of analytes with standard bioassays. Nature Biomedical Engineering 2020, 4 (5), 518-530.

5.   Park, J.-E.;  Lee, Y.; Nam, J.-M., Precisely Shaped, Uniformly Formed Gold Nanocubes with Ultrahigh Reproducibility in Single-Particle Scattering and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering. Nano Letters 2018, 18 (10), 6475-6482.

6.   Park, J.-E.;  Kim, S.;  Son, J.;  Lee, Y.; Nam, J.-M., Highly Controlled Synthesis and Super-Radiant Photoluminescence of Plasmonic Cube-in-Cube Nanoparticles. Nano Letters 2016, 16 (12), 7962-7967.

7.   Amin, M. U.;  Zhang, R.;  Li, L.;  You, H.; Fang, J., Solution-Based SERS Detection of Weak Surficial Affinity Molecules Using Cysteamine-Modified Au Bipyramids. Analytical Chemistry 2021, 93 (21), 7657-7664.

8.   Zhang, T.;  Shen, H.;  Lu, G.;  Liu, J.;  He, Y.;  Wang, Y.; Gong, Q., Single Bipyramid Plasmonic Antenna Orientation Determined by Direct Photoluminescence Pattern Imaging. Advanced Optical Materials 2013, 1 (4), 335-342.

9.   Huang, S.;  Liu, Y.;  Jafari, M.;  Siaj, M.;  Wang, H.;  Xiao, S.; Ma, D., Highly Stable Ag–Au Core–Shell Nanowire Network for ITO-Free Flexible Organic Electrochromic Device. Advanced Functional Materials 2021, 31 (14), 2010022.

10.  Eom, G.;  Kim, H.;  Hwang, A.;  Son, H.-Y.;  Choi, Y.;  Moon, J.;  Kim, D.;  Lee, M.;  Lim, E.-K.;  Jeong, J.;  Huh, Y.-M.;  Seo, M.-K.;  Kang, T.; Kim, B., Nanogap-Rich Au Nanowire SERS Sensor for Ultrasensitive Telomerase Activity Detection: Application to Gastric and Breast Cancer Tissues Diagnosis. Advanced Functional Materials 2017, 27 (37), 1701832.

11.  Kitahara, T.;  Sugawara, A.;  Sano, H.; Mizutani, G., Anisotropic optical second-harmonic generation from the Au nanowire array on the NaCl(1 1 0) template. Applied Surface Science 2003, 219 (3), 271-275.

12.  Niu, W.;  Chua, Y. A. A.;  Zhang, W.;  Huang, H.; Lu, X., Highly Symmetric Gold Nanostars: Crystallographic Control and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Property. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2015, 137 (33), 10460-10463.

13.  Wright, A. J.;  Richens, J. L.;  Bramble, J. P.;  Cathcart, N.;  Kitaev, V.;  O'Shea, P.; Hudson, A. J., Surface-enhanced Raman scattering measurement from a lipid bilayer encapsulating a single decahedral nanoparticle mediated by an optical trap. Nanoscale 2016, 8 (36), 16395-16404.

14.  Li, H.;  Hu, H.; Xu, D., Silver Decahedral Nanoparticles-Enhanced Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Sensor for Specific Cell Imaging. Analytical Chemistry 2015, 87 (7), 3826-3833.